Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What a Difference a Week Makes

Since my last post, I've been to Hutchinson, Kansas and back and the weather has been remarkably wet.  This is , in some ways, great news as North Iowa has been too dry for two years.

The NIACC track team did well at Nationals with 3 top 8 placings and just missed the podium on 3 other occasions.

It took a lot of energy out of me for the trip even though all I did was assist with with coaching duties...surprising how much goes into helping meals, practice, warm-ups, etc. takes out of you!

I was able to get in some morning workouts and ran with Curtis on one of the AMs.  

Similarity between riding a bike and riding a horse?

I never realized the extra effort in repairing a brick street.

For you triathletes...this was my brick workout for the week!
Ended up with a 37 mile week.  Down a bit but I was definitely tired after some of the long days at the track.

The weather change has brought on the mushroom season and I love to spend the time in the woods looking for the delicacy.  Paul Pokana, from Papua New Guinea, helped with the search on Sunday and Monday and today also provided a good score.

Lots to observe in the woods and I saw interesting birds like the Scarlet Tanager and Pileated Woodpecker.  Also the river is bank-full, and woods alive.


High ground water resulted in a spring in the middle of the trail.

One of the widest flows I've seen at Ernie's Bridge.

Motionless fawn while I hunted for mushrooms in the vicinity!
7 mile run today and a 3 mile hike tonight.


  1. So you can id the mushrooms and know which are okay to eat?

    Quite the fawn shot.

    Thanks for the kind words on the FB message board.

  2. Hi GZ

    Yep, the morels are a highly sought-after species that are difficult to mis-identify and I am familiar with about 6-7 more mushrooms that are edible.

    Yes, that was great interview you gave on Ultrarunnerpodcast.
