Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year's Revelations

I've definitely been on a bit of a blogging sabbatical.  A lot of the blogs that I've followed seem to take a break when they are injured and not able to remain on a normal training regimen.  Fortunately, I haven't been any more injured than the knee issues I've been dealing with for 7 years.  It's simply been a break from routine blogging while I've continued to train with no specific goal.

Recent time on the trail has resulted in a few thoughts coming together in a sort of series revelations.  I acknowledge that I've had difficulty dealing with not running as I have in the past.  I've been spending some time this fall trying to accept where I'm at and what I "can" do.

This year-end revelations:
  • Accountability...I've continued to keep a log, however, without the blog or training partners I lost a bit of accountability.  There seems to be some positive influence to regular training when you share with others.
  • Coaching...the time and energy devoted to coaching others does draw time and energy away from my own training.
  • is taking time but I need to accept my aging and learn to adapt new ideas and training techniques.  I can no longer hammer away as I did with old-school training that got me through the 80's and 90's.
  • Surprise...I had a soft goal of putting in 2013 miles in 2013 and was pleasantly surprised with 2207.
  • Snowshoeing...I've always felt more comfortable with my snowshoe racing in winter than any of my summer training.  I now believe it may have something to do with a more neutral footplant. It's very unlikely that you do much heal-striking when running snowshoes!
So the indoor track and field season is about to begin and at the same time we've been getting enough snow to allow me to train regularly on the snow.  I'm hoping to keep up with my current fitness level and actually do some snowshoe competitions this winter.


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