Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Guess It Is Winter, Turkey

The colder overnight temps in single digits and amount of time before those temps rose, helped it seem like it really is winter, after all.  But it is still great to know that heading into the woods can be totally comfortable regardless of the drop in daytime highs.

It was fun to see how much, or little, had occurred on the trails since yesterday's run.  There were some places where I was, once again, the only tracks since my previous outing.  The wild turkey had been more active back along the river.
Because I was pleased to have run most of yesterday's mileage, I wanted to be a bit more conservative today.  I tried to break the entire workout into a walk one mile, run one mile, scheme and that worked out well.  I had finally downloaded the latest Lucho podcast to listen to today.

10 miles


  1. Hey! Look at what I found. Look at you going all blogosphere here in the 0-1-2.

    Welcome to the end of the intertubes. I have been stuck here for a bit.

  2. Yeah George...It's taking this old dog a while to learn new tricks. I grew up without the internet, email, blogs, podcasts, etc. but have tried to embrace technology. I do enjoy the opportunities to learn and communicate.
