Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Paddy's Day

Busy day and night.  So it's after midnight as I sit to write today's post.  Cathy and I had a great time over at Charles City with NIACC coach, Curtis Vais and his wife.  There was a St Patrick's Day parade, then we had some supper and drinks before heading out on the traditional bar crawl (or bar brawl, as my wife once described it) complete with the travelling bagpipers and green beer!

The day started slow as I got some odd jobs out of the way but I had plenty of time to head to Lime Creek for another long run.  I struggled a while to get the transmitter of the heart rate monitor to send one point it recorded my heart rate at 212 and I was merely walking and in no distress!  But eventually all was well (after I started completely from scratch to re-situate the chest strap).  I ran for the most part after reaching the trail and only walked if the rate exceeded 140.  So the entire workout consisted of a steady but seemingly slow run. I still feel very comfortable when the rate is between 135 and 145, but tried to keep it closer to 120 -125 based on the Maffetone "180 formula".

I thought about staying out for around 18 or 20 miles but decided it was still prudent to hold it to 15 because I had already been out for 15 as recently as Tuesday.

I had also decided to write some about another reason I enjoy running at Lime Creek but its too damn late and I need to go to bed. I'll save that story, with pictures, for another day.

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