Monday, March 26, 2012

Watch Yer Topknot

Today's cloudy start gave way to sun but also some very strong winds.  It was good to be along the bluffs and in the woods.  Later, while at the high school track where NIACC was holding practice, the wind was particularly wicked.  I wore a skull cap today rather than a brimmed hat that would surely have been swept off my head numerous times.

The change to cooler weather resulted in an interesting response from the Bloodroot blossoms that I photographed last week.  They closed up and seem to be huddled, waiting for the sun and warmth to return.

There were some other interesting sightings today.  Deep in the woods near a river bend, I saw a rather seldom seen Pileated Woodpecker.  The largest woodpecker in North America at about the size of a crow!
Since I didn't have a camera ready, I borrowed photos from the web.

Then on the return trip I spied a River Otter sunning itself in the sun on a bank.  It scurried off as I waited for my camera to be ready to shoot the photo. So I borrowed another web image.

Today was a recovery day and I didn't push many stretches beyond a fast hike.  I was also disappointed in the number of bottles and cans that I, again, retrieved from beside the trail...oh well, at least most were redeemable for cash!

10 miles.

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