Monday, May 14, 2012

Perry, Oklahoma ---Fields of Grain

Got a recovery workout in after dusk last night, then up early this AM for another hour on the roads...gravel that is.  This is my first time in Oklahoma and it's interesting to compare the gravel roads to Iowa's. The soil is red and I couldn't see any corn or beans just grain (wheat, I believe) and oil rigs in the field (photos to come when I get home).

Flushed a Bobwhite Quail while running this morning.  I had been hearing the distinctive call while they were waking up at sunrise and was only slightly startled when some flushed from beside me!

4 miles...hard rising morning without breakfast.  We'll finish the drive to Lubbock, Texas this morning and get the NIACC athletes to the track in Levelland this afternoon for a pre-meet workout.  Perhaps I'll put in some time then, as well.

5 PM:
There was quite a rain storm that we arrived during but it subsided enough that the team hit the track for the workout.  I warmed up with a few laps then tried several laps at a relaxed pace.  Having college athletes flying by kept me honest and I even threw in a challenge 200 meter sprint where Ashley and I were given a head start, and RJ, Jonny, and Andy tried to catch us before then end...they were up to the challenge and we all finished fairly close together...I brought up the rear, however!

An additional 4 miles for an 8 mile day

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